Tuesday, July 13, 2010

in the beginning, there were some words

recently, a straight-talking friend, coincidentally living in the straight-talking state of arizona, represented by the straight-talking senator john mccain, owner of the straight-talking express, called me out (privately and respectfully... and therefore admirably) on beating up on christianity and christians more than i do other religions and their adherents.

i suppose i should state at this point that i am an atheist... meaning i believe there is no deity, no god, at least not in the theological sense. i am all about calling people "god" when referring to a particular talent, etc... as in "so, colin dunne is a dance god" etc... you see my point.

now before you get your lacy, white, sunday best panties in a wad, please note i said i "believe" there is no god. i even frickin linked to the definition to accentuate the not so subtle intent of the statement. if you want a logical argument refuting the existence of a god, that is something else... something i'm not likely to provide for any number of reasons, not the least of which is i do not believe i can provide it.

and don't get all cocky because i admitted that. i also don't believe you can provide a logical argument proving the existence of a god.

i do want you to read this and subsequent posts with some idea of the complete context within which they are written... if nothing else, i wish to appear an honest fool.

anyway, i should state at the outset, too, that i am not wholly opposed to religion... i think (different verb, different meaning) that all religions have their pros and cons. i intend to write "sweet religious justice" as a series and to highlight what i think are some of the positive and negative concepts of many religions, not just as a pulpit (whoa, check that motha-scratchin sweet religious reference) to preach (holy mackerel, another... oh, and another) my opinions of religions, but also as a way for me to learn about them. i intend to do a little reading, a little talking, a little listening and a little thinking about this topic on a semi-regular basis... sort of like if there was a routine for examining one's beliefs in order to gain insight into mankind and to find some meaning in life. hmmm... i wonder if any religions have that?

anyway, i thought about it and my friend is right. i do tend to harsh on the christians more than others, so i'm gonna try to spread the love.

oh no. maybe i'm subconsciously asking forgiveness.

all that said, get ready, cause i'm gonna drop some straight dope.

oh, and to the friend that called me out on this.. thanks.